There are lots of beautiful production model
Wolfgangs. Some of the flame tops are exceptional. This section
is dedicated to showcasing the rest of the Wolfgangs that Peavey produces.
Following is a quick run down of all Wolfgang models from the cheapest to
most expensive: Also, check out the new Peavey HP Specials (follow up
to the Wolfgang) HP FAQ's
Special EXP (Korean Made) - List Price of $899.00
Unless price is a major concern, I would avoid this guitar. While some
of these guitars are OK, the quality on many is bad. You can read
about it below. It is the ONLY Wolfgang made outside the U.S. It
can be identified by a quilt top (Maroon, Blue, Amber or Sunburst) and only
one knob (volume but no tone). Actually, you can't call it a top as it
is a .020 thin slice of veneer that is glued on. Thus, this guitar
will not have the tonal qualities of one with a maple top. The tops
look nice on these, but that is where it ends. Cheaper hardware, neck,
etc. These were first offered in 2003.
Wolfgang Special - List Price of $1,199.00
is solid basswood (no top). It came in solid colors and sunburst.
The necks are not birdseye maple and without the top you don't have the same
tonal qualities (lacks some brightness), although the tone is great and I
could see how someone would argue they like it better. They can be identified by
having one knob and a flat top. They also would not have a binding,
since there is no top. The tuners are cheaper as well (metal rather
than the pearloid). Pick-ups are the same on all Wolfgangs up until
2004. The Special was first offered in 1998.
Wolfgang Special Deluxe (flame top) - List Price of $1,649.00
money isn't the main concern and you prefer the flat top look and/or feel
(like the Music Man EVH) then I would recommend this guitar. The only
drawback is it doesn't generally have the birdseye neck either or the better tuners
you get on the Standard, although they did inexplicably ship some with the
birdseye necks. Maybe they ran out of hard rock maple necks and needed
to deliver the guitars?. This guitar can be identified by a flame
maple top and only one knob like all Specials. The Special Deluxe has
a 1/4" flat maple top where the Standard Deluxe starts with a 5/8" (before
carving) maple arch top. The Special was first introduced in 1998.
Wolfgang Standard - List Price of $1,799.00
is the top of the line arch top and original model, without a top. It
is solid basswood construction (3 pieces of basswood). The Standard can always be identified
by having two knobs (volume and tone) and an "arch top", although it can be
hard to tell in pictures sometimes if a guitar has an arch top. The
guitar has a binding for looks, but there is no top. Standards came in
Black & Ivory. LOTS of black ones. In some cases the black ones
will have a top where they painted over a flame or quilt top that didn't
come out right. If you look real close at the finish you can see
whether or not it is two piece or 3 piece construction. If it is two
piece it has a top. You can see the end of the 1st Year Quilts section
for more details on this. On a black or ivory standard, assume it has no top and thus it won't have the
little extra brightness in the tone that a maple top gives you. Very
first guitars were late 1996. The Standard and Standard Deluxe were
the only models until 1998. A stop tail bridge version first was
offered in late 1997 or 1998.
Wolfgang Standard Deluxe - List Price of $2,199
than a Custom Shop guitar, this is the one I recommend. The first year
only they made this in a quilt top. They made less than 2,000 in four
colors before switching to flame tops. See the 1st Year Quilt section.
Since that time they have only come in a flame maple top. The solid
color gold tops also have a top as does the solid "seafoam green" color.
They painted a lot of guitars gold or Seafoam when the top was rejected for
one reason or another. They also used a lot of $10 tops on gold and
seafoam. This would be fine tonally speaking but just would not be
good for anything but a solid color cosmetically.
The Standard Deluxe has an arch top like a Les Paul. It is a 5/8"
thick top (before carving). This Wolfgang has all the best stuff for
hardware and materials. It will have both a volume and tone knob like
the Standard as it is a Standard with a maple top.
Wolfgang Custom Shop - List Price (based on what you ordered) -
$200 higher to start (I assume for better materials). In the Custom
Shop there was no difference in price between a Floyd Rose trem model and a
stop tail bridge. Only
about 450 real Custom Shop guitars were ever produced and nearly half were made to
order, while the rest were produced for the EVH Vault and the NAMM shows.
The Custom Shop opened in January of 2002 so it ran a full three years.
About half of the guitars
were produced in Leakesville prior to it closing in April of 2003. You
could get any of the American Made Models above in a Custom Configuration.
The price was based on what you ordered. Most are one of a kind
guitars. The materials used on the Custom Shop guitars were superior.
The people building them were their best craftsman. See the Custom
Shop Section. I think the difference between the production models and
the Custom Shop models is significant in the Specials because you usually
get a top of the line birdseye neck and the better tuners, which you
wouldn't otherwise. I can't say that I have ever had a Custom Shop guitar I just
didn't like much. I certainly like some more than others but they are all
great. Watch out for "Custom Shop" models that are not really custom.
See the Misc. Stuff section for this subject.
I have gotten a lot of questions about the
Korean made Wolfgang Specials, which I think is a cheap guitar. It
isn't a Wolfgang as I know it. I have to
question Peavey's decision to introduce this guitar as I think it really hurt
sales of the higher priced American made specials and cheapened the brand. The tone
is similar but definitely not the same as the Wolfgang Standard. The
pick-ups were produced in Korea. I have found the quality is suspect on many of them.
There are also some good ones. The quality varies greatly from one guitar to
the next. The action and neck don't feel quite as good as a regular
Wolfgang. It is certainly acceptable at this price point but again it
isn't a Wolfgang Standard.
Don't buy this guitar and
judge the Wolfgang line by it. In my opinion they should have called
it something different and slightly changed the shape. The Standards are very noticeably
better in the way they play and the tone, which they ought to be for the big
price difference. The difference in quality is dramatic. Click this link to go to another page on this
site to get some great information on this guitar.
Korean Wolf. Peavey uses a 4A grade flame
for their tops. The Korean EXP is a 5A quilt. Again, it really isn't a
"top" but it sure looks nice.
<Click the thumbnail pictures below for a larger image and
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